Gifting a fruit basket to your relatives or friends is a very good idea. But it is even better if one keeps in mind the fruits that are to be good. It is always great to fill the fruit baskets with beneficial fruits like Apple and Grapes. The effects that these fruits have on human body are extremely important. Gifting a healthy fruit basket is always good.
Apple: A Doctor’s Threat
We all know the fact that An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away. But how? Here is the answer.
Whiter Teeth
No, it does not act as a tooth brush or a tooth paste. But chewing an apple a day reduces tooth decay and prevents the formation of bacteria.
Drinking apple juice can actually prevent Alzheimer’s. It fights the effects of brain ageing.
Apple contains high amount of fiber. It stops formation of brain dopamine producing nerve cells that leads to Parkinson’s.
Curb Cancer
Consumption of apple reduces the risk of formation of pancreatic cancer in human body.
Decrease Diabetes
Soluble fibers are present in apple that blunts blood sugar swings. Especially effective on women.
Cholesterol Reduction
Apple stops the formation of fats around the intestine preventing the formation of cholesterol.
Healthier Heart
Stops forming plaques in the human arteries. Thus, the blood vessels do not get locked preventing coronary artery diseases.
Gall bladder stones
Apple helps in balancing cholesterol level and increase in weight. So risk of formation of gall bladder stones gets reduced.
No diarrhea/ constipation
High fiber content food helps in maintains a regular flow of bowels. Apple is one such fruit.
Detoxified Liver
Contains fad detoxifying minerals which release toxins from human body.
Grapes: Not so sour
Those who keep grapes in their regular diet know that grapes are actually sweet. Not sour.
Prevents Cancer
Grapes contain a compound named resveratrol. It is a powerful anti oxidant, which prevents cancer in colon and prostrate.
Anti Allergic
High amount of polyohenolic anti oxidants are present in this fruit. It works as an anti allergic and anti inflammatory component.
Anti ageing
Flavonoid is the main thing that prevents wrinkle in skin. Grapes have a rich content of flavones, which means it acts as an anti ageing supplement, as well as keep skin smooth during dry seasons.
Bone health
Copper, iron, manganese are found in plenty amounts in grapes. These are very important in formation of bones.
The hydrating quality of this fruit keeps lungs healthy and hydrated. As a result, it prevents asthma attacks.
Ripe grape juice is a very easy home remedy to get rid of migraine.
The high amount of iron content prevents fatigue in human body.
Kidney Disorder
Grapes reduce the acidity of uric acid. It also reduces the pressure created on kidney.
A fruit basket is a gift, which does well when it is given to someone. If it contains beneficial fruits like Apple and Grapes, it is even better. We all know that health is the ultimate wealth.