Make every celebration special with excellent service

February 20th, 2015

Imagine having a lovely party that has a host of well-dressed people sipping on the finest of wines and wearing the most gorgeous outfits. The picture however would be barren without a few choice flower arrangements thrown in. Flowers have traditionally been used to decorate the venue for almost every occasion and their participants. Whether you are planning a baby shower or you are planning a bachelorette party in a pub, adding a dash of colours in bowls and vases is always preferable. With the help of online flowers delivery, you can now ensure you never have to scramble around to get these beautiful gifts of nature to liven up your get-togethers.

Here are some things that you should keep in mind though when you are selecting the flowers to be delivered:

  • Choose a delivery company that has some amount of experience in this field. Flowers are delicate objects and must be handled with a lot of care and sensitivity. Handing them over in callous hands means damages to the flowers and waste of your money. A company that has been delivering flowers for a while will know exactly how the flowers must be handled, wrapped and delivered without causing any harm to the arrangement or the flowers.

  • Keep in mind the person you are sending the flowers to. Some of them may like dark hued flowers such as deep red roses or purple tulips. Some others may prefer light and summery flowers such as daffodils or blooming roses in pastel shades. Choose a flower arrangement that you find attractive and which you know will also leave a favourable impression on the recipient. Another thing you should bear in mind is that some people are allergic to certain varieties of flowers or leaves. Be sure to exclude them from your choice of gift and avert a medical emergency!

  • Seasonal flowers are the best to select from. Some flowers are available during any time of the year whereas some of them are highly seasonal. Flowers in bloom in their respective seasons are visual delights because they will be blooming in all their charm. Also, knowing which flowers are available in what season will help you keep your expectations from the delivery company realistic.


  • Choose a flower arrangement that makes it convenient for the flowers to be delivered. Complex flower arrangements look good in a party when they are stationary in one spot. Wrapped and en route to far away destinations however, all flowers will not be able to stay fresh in such complex arrangements. Wrapping them also becomes an ordeal in itself. Once unwrapped, let the beauty of the flowers shine through in their simple setting that will let the recipient easily enjoy their beauty.

  • When you are sending flowers to another destination, make sure you choose flowers according to the amount of time they will have to travel – sturdier flowers can shipped to places further than to those to which delicate ones are sent.

Add beauty to your flowers arrangements with leaves, wreaths of small flowers, decorative baskets and vases and their trimming such as pearls, satin ribbons and big red bows and there, you have your perfect gift!

Keeping cut flowers fresher longer

February 19th, 2015

Cut flowers are an instant mood brightener. Pop them in a vase and put them in any corner of the room and they will bring the room alive in a jiffy. Whether it is your Valentine’s Day roses or your daily dose of sunshine that you bring home from the local florist, we all wish those precious flowers would last just a little bit longer.  Short of encasing them in wax is there any other way of preserving them just the way they are? Well, actually there is.

Your kitchen holds many DIY solutions that can keep your flowers looking fresher for long. Here are some ideas that might help you the next time someone drops a bouquet at your door:

Soda in the water

Who would have thought that the humble bottle of soda sitting in a corner in the fridge could actually do more than be a fizzy drink on a summer day? Putting a little bit of this in the water can keep your roses and other cut flowers blooming fresh for days. If you have a clear vase though, keep away from the coloured sodas and go for the clear ones instead. Oh, and don’t forget to change the water every few days!

Aspirin tablets to the rescue

Not just headaches, aspirin can also work as a magic charm with flowers. Drop a couple of tablets in vase of water and watch as those lovely blooms just soak up all the goodness. Tried and true, this method never seems to fail and most importantly, it is an easy cure for all the head and the heartache that happens when you see a bunch of flowers die too early.

Hair spray magic

Yes, you heard us. Hair spray works amazingly well on flowers too and you thought it was only meant to keep your locks in place. Stand far away from the flowers and sprintz a little hair spray on the underside of the petals and leaves and then, rest easy. Remember to spray only a little and stand far; you do not want your flowers frozen in place unlike your wayward hair strands!

Vodka and water

Again, it might sound improbable but it is actually true. Vodka helps kill the bacteria that fester in the stagnant water in the vase, and with the bacteria gone your flowers can live a much healthier and longer life. You do have to change the water every couple of days though and keep adding a little vodka and some sugar to the water every time.

Pennies for your posies

Have a bunch of coins you have been meaning to get rid of? Well, here’s an easy solution. Just drop the pennies in the vase with the flowers. The copper in the pennies will act as an acidifier and keep the bacteria at bay. Don’t drop too many of them though – it’s a vase, not a piggy bank. Also, add a cube of sugar to maintain just the right amount of nutrient balance in the water.

So the next time you are gifted a bunch, or order for flower delivery online, you can use these handy tricks to keep those blossoms from dying fast. This way you can have all the natural decor you want, and get your money’s worth too

Easy tips for flower arrangements at home

February 19th, 2015

Flowers are the most easy home decor tool. And they don’t even cost a bomb. The only problem is that when you buy a bunch of carefully chosen blooms, you would hate to see them dry out and wither before their time. So how do you ensure that the flowers remain fresh and smiling for long? Experts say it all depends on how you put them in the vase. The little things like the temperature of the water and the duration of time spent between buying the flowers and putting them in water, matter a lot.

These following tips should help you arrange flowers like a pro though and avoid common mistakes that can ruin your flower arrangement:

1. Water, water, and some more water

Put your flowers in water as soon as you can. The longer you keep them away from their life source, the harder it will be for them to survive. So, buy your flowers at a nearby florist or as the last item on your shopping list and plop them in a vase full of tepid water as soon as you are in. Also, remember to change the water frequently so as to prevent bacteria build up.

2. Make a fresh cut

Always cut the flower stems before arranging them. Make and inclined cut so as to increase the surface area for water absorption. You can also trim leaves that fall below the water line. This helps a lot in reviving your flowers if they have been sitting for a while before being put in a vase.

3. Check the water temperature

Not too hold, nor too cold. Tepid is how the flowers like it, so ensure that the water is at the right temperature. However, if you have a bunch of tightly closed flower heads, slightly warmer water might help the buds to open fully. But use warm water with discretion.

4. Use florist’s foam

If you want to arrange your flowers as a centrepiece, then just using a vase to hold them may not be the brightest idea. Florist’s foam is a great help in such situations. Soak the foam in water for about 15 minutes before you use it so that is fully hydrated. Then, arrange your flowers on the foam piece. Keep checking to see if the foam has dried out and water every couple of days to keep your flowers for longer.

5. Choose the right flowers

When arranging flowers, start with the bigger ones and then use the smaller blossoms to fill in the gaps. Leave enough space between the stems for the blooms to open and spread. Use flowers of different sizes and shapes, as well as different heights, to give your arrangement more layers and dimension.

If you have a florist, you can learn the techniques of flower arrangement from them. If however, you want to do it the DIY way, you can order flowers from the best online flower delivery in the UK, and learn the basics on your own.