Moments Of Majesty Bouquet A gift of serenity and grace, this wondrous white bouquet of lilies and hydrangea refreshes the spirit. It's a gorgeous gift of celebration, reflection or condolence they'll long remember. This majestic bouquet features miniature green hydrangea, white roses, white asiatic lilies, white alstroemeria, green hypericum, white stock, huckleberry and lemon leaf. Delivery Information: Deliveries are subject to product availability. If for any reason the items you ordered are no longer available or any substitutions are necessary, they will be made with items of equal or greater value. We offer deliveries in United Arab Emirates states of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman and Al Ain. Sameday Delivery available for orders received by 11am Local time. All Orders received after the local Cut off time will be delivered next day. There are no deliveries on Bank Holiday, Public Holidays and religious Festival Holidays. Orders received will be processed for delivery the next working day. For more information on delivery in UAE please speak to our Customer Support team.